I planted Oriental Fingerling Eggplant & Italian Genovese Basil seedlings this morning. I found large ceramic pots (with trays) at IKEA for $7.99 each yesterday. I bought 4 and filled them with soil builder, then transplanted the eggplants into the center and 3 basil plants around each.
I googled eggplant companion plants and everything I read suggested planting basil with eggplants keeps aphids away as well as attracts bees for pollination. It's suggested to hand pollinate eggplants as the flowers don't often attract bees on their own.
I'm hoping to get out and plant my anasizi beans today too, but we shall see.
UPDATE 3/23/13: I planted Chantenay Red Core Carrots in the free space in the pots.
i had eggplants planted next to tomato and squash and i got enough eggplant for my family to use (two years ago) i didnt think of pollination factor. but i got marigolds to plant with tomato this year to help with bugs. and i will ahve to get basil now too! thanks for the idea