Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Harvest

While I was not diligent in weighing everything or counting every egg, here's an idea of what I harvested in 2012:


Total Harvest size: 75.54 lbs
Beets: 2.2 lbs
Blueberries: A few handfuls
Broccoli: 2 oz
Calamondins: 3.7 lbs
Carrots: 3.3 lbs
Chard: 2.33 lbs
Ghost Peppers: 45 peppers (these don't weigh anything)
Green Beans: 2 oz
Jalapenos: 1 lbs
Key Limes: .4 lbs
Kohlrabi: 4.7 lbs
Lettuce: 4.7 lbs
Loquats: 27 lbs
Parsley: 1 oz
Peas: 2 pods
Pinto beans: .2 oz
Radishes: 1.3 lbs
Starfruit: 1.3 lbs
Strawberries: 6 berries
Spinach: .4 lbs
Tomatoes: 5.4 lbs
Turnips: 5 .75 lbs
Zucchini: 3.4 lbs
Misc: 8 lbs

Eggs: 74

Out of Pocket Cost (YTD): $232.47

1 comment:

  1. Wow I get impressed when you start talking in pounds, especially with lettuce. And the chicken manure has value too. You are such an inspiration to me!
