Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Store Harvested Vegetables

Specific harvest and storage information for some commonly-grown vegetables. Expected shelf-life times are only estimates.
VegetableWhen to HarvestHow to StoreExpected Shelf-lifeComments
asparagusthird year after planting when spears are 6-9 inches longcold and moist2 weekskeep upright
basilwhen leaves are still tenderat room temperature5 dayskeep stems in water; will discolor if kept in refrigerator for 10 days
beans, snapabout 2-3 weeks after bloom when seeds still immaturecold and moist1 weekdevelop pitting if stored below 40°
beetswhen 1.25-3 inches in diametercold and moist5 monthsstore without tops
broccoliwhile flower buds still tight and greencold and moist2 weeks-
brussels sproutswhen heads 1 inch in diametercold and moist1 month-
cabbagewhen heads compact and firmcold and moist5 months-
carrotswhen tops 1 inch in diametercold and moist8 monthsstore without tops
cauliflowerwhile heads still white, before curds "ricey"cold and moist3 weeks-
corn, sweetwhen silks dry and brown, kernels should be milky when cut with a thumbnailcold and moist5 days-
cucumbersfor slicing, when 6 inches longcool spot in kitchen 55°F in perforated plastic bags; storage in refrigerator for a few days okay1 weekdevelops pitting and water-soaked areas if chilled below 40°F; do not store with apples or tomatoes
eggplantbefore color dullslike cucumbers1 weekdevelops pitting, bronzing, pulp browning if stored for long period below 50°F
kohlrabiwhen 2-3 inches in diametercold and moist2 monthsstore without tops
lettucewhile leaves are tendercold and moist1 week-
muskmelons (cantaloupe)when fruits slip off vine easily, while netting even, fruit firmcold and moist1 weekdevelops pitting surface decay with slight freezing
onionswhen necks are tight, scales drycold and dry4 monthscure at room temperature 2-4 weeks before storage, do not freeze
parsnipswhen roots reach desired size, possibly after light frostcold and moist4 monthsdo not wax or allow roots to freeze; sweetens after 2 weeks storage at 32°F
peaswhen pods still tendercold and moist1 week-
pepperswhen fruits reach desired size or colorlike cucumbers2 weeksdevelops pitting below 45°F
potatoeswhen vine dies backcold and moist; keep away from light6 monthscure at 50-60°F or 14 days before storage, will sweeten below 38°F
pumpkinswhen shells harden, before frostcool and dry2 monthsvery sensitive to temperatures below 45°F
radisheswhen roots up to 1.25 inches in diametercold and moist1 monthstore without tops
rutabagaswhen roots reach desired sizecold and moist4 monthsdo not wax
spinachwhile leaves still tendercold and moist10 days-
squash, summerwhen fruit 4-6 inches longlike cucumbers1 weekdo not store in refrigerator for more than 4 days
squash, winterwhen shells hard, before frostcool and dry2-6 months, depending on varietycuring unecessary; do not cure Table Queen
tomatoes, redwhen color uniformly pink or redlike cucumbers5 daysloses color, firmness and flavor if stored below 40°F; do not refrigerate!
turnipswhen roots reach desired size, possibly after light frostcold and moist4 monthscan be waxed
watermelonswhen underside turns yellow or produces dull sound when slappedlike cucumbers2 weekswill decay if stored below 50°F for more than a few days

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